Source code for ploneintranet.attachments.browser.upload

from plone import api
from import Image
from plone.i18n.normalizer.interfaces import IURLNormalizer
from ploneintranet.layout.memoize.view import memoize
from ploneintranet import api as pi_api
from ploneintranet.attachments import utils
from ploneintranet.attachments.attachments import IAttachmentStorage
from ploneintranet.docconv.client.handlers import handle_file_creation
from ploneintranet.docconv.client.interfaces import IPreviewSettings
from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView
from zope.component import getUtility
from zope.container.interfaces import DuplicateIDError

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class UploadAttachments(BrowserView): @property @memoize def fallback_thumbs_urls(self): """ Return a dummy image thumbnails BBB: Ask for a better image :) See #122 """ return [pi_api.previews.fallback_image_url(api.portal.get())]
[docs] def get_file_thumbs_urls(self, attachment): """ thumbs provided by docconv. Only returning the front page. """ if pi_api.previews.has_previews(attachment) is not True: return None return [attachment.absolute_url() + "/svg"]
[docs] def get_num_pages(self, attachment): return pi_api.previews.num_pages(attachment)
[docs] def get_description(self, attachment): settings = IPreviewSettings(attachment) blob_files = settings.blob_files or {} good_keys = sorted(key for key in blob_files if key.startswith("text")) description = "" if len(good_keys) > 0: with blob_files[good_keys[0]].open() as th: description = return description
[docs] def get_image_thumbs_urls(self, image): """ If we have an Image or a File object, we ask the Plone scale machinery for a URL """ images = api.content.get_view("images", image, self.request) try: urls = [images.scale(scale="preview").absolute_url()] except BaseException: log.error("Preview url generation failed") urls = [] return urls
[docs] def get_thumbs_urls(self, attachment): """ This will return the URL for the thumbs of the attachment """ # We first ask pi_api for a URL # This returns previews for images and files urls = self.get_file_thumbs_urls(attachment) if urls: return urls # If we have an image we return the usual preview url if isinstance(attachment, (Image,)): urls = self.get_image_thumbs_urls(attachment) if urls: return urls # If every other method fails return a fallback return self.fallback_thumbs_urls
def __call__(self): token = self.request.get("attachment-form-token") uploaded_attachments = self.request.get("form.widgets.attachments") if not uploaded_attachments: return self.index() normalizer = getUtility(IURLNormalizer) self.attachments = [] attachments = IAttachmentStorage(self.context) attachment_objs = utils.extract_attachments(uploaded_attachments) for obj in attachment_objs: = normalizer.normalize(u"{0}-{1}".format(token, try: attachments.add(obj) except DuplicateIDError: pass obj = attachments.get( try: handle_file_creation(obj, None, async=False) except Exception as e: log.warn( "Could not get previews for attachment: {0}, " u"{1}: {2}".format(, e.__class__.__name__, e) ) self.attachments.append(obj) return self.index()
[docs]class UploadStatusAttachments(UploadAttachments): """Separate class since it handles permissions differently"""