Source code for ploneintranet.invitations.token_utility

# coding=utf-8
from BTrees.OOBTree import OOBTree
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from ploneintranet.invitations.interfaces import ITokenUtility
from ploneintranet.invitations.token import Token
from Products.CMFCore.interfaces import ISiteRoot
from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAnnotations
from zope.component import getUtility
from zope.interface import implements

ANNOTATION_KEY = "ploneintranet.invitations.token_storage"

[docs]class TokenUtility(object): """ Utility to generate and consume tokens """ implements(ITokenUtility)
[docs] def generate_new_token( self, usage_limit=1, expire_seconds=None, redirect_path=None ): """ Get a new unique token :param usage_limit: The number of times this token is allowed to be consumed before expiring :type usage_limit: int, default 1. None for unlimited use. :param expire_seconds: The number of seconds before this token expires :type expire_seconds: int :param redirect_path: The optional path to redirect to, relative to the Plone site, after token is accepted :type redirect_path: str :return: A tuple containing the id of the generated token and a url that can be used to accept the token :rtype: (token_id, token_url) """ if expire_seconds is not None: expiry = + timedelta(seconds=expire_seconds) else: expiry = datetime.max token = Token( usage_limit=usage_limit, expiry=expiry, redirect_path=redirect_path ) self._store_token(token) return, token.invite_url
[docs] def valid(self, token_id): """ Has the token with the given id expired? :return: Whether or not the token has expired :rtype: bool """ token = self._fetch_token(token_id) if token is None: return False usage_allowed = token.uses_remaining is None or token.uses_remaining > 0 in_date = token.expiry > return usage_allowed and in_date
[docs] def _consume_token(self, token_id): """ Consume the given token and fire the event :param token_id: The token id :type token_id: str :return: Whether consumption succeeded or not. It will fail if the token has expired :rtype: bool """ if not self.valid(token_id): return False token = self._fetch_token(token_id) if token.uses_remaining is not None: token.uses_remaining -= 1 return True
[docs] def _fetch_token(self, token_id): """ Get an existing token from the token storage :param token_id: A token id :type token_id: str :return: Token object """ storage = self._get_storage() return storage.get(token_id)
[docs] def _store_token(self, token): """ Store a token in the token storage :param token: A token :type token: Token """ storage = self._get_storage() storage[] = token
[docs] def _get_storage(self, clear=False): """ Look up storage for tokens :param clear: Force clear the storage :type clear: bool :return: Token storage """ portal = getUtility(ISiteRoot) annotations = IAnnotations(portal) if ANNOTATION_KEY not in annotations or clear: annotations[ANNOTATION_KEY] = OOBTree() return annotations[ANNOTATION_KEY]