Source code for ploneintranet.messaging.interfaces

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from zope import schema
from zope.interface import Attribute
from zope.interface import Interface

[docs]class IMessagingLocator(Interface): """A utility used to locate conversations and messages.""" def get_inboxes(): """Return an object providing IInboxes."""
[docs]class IInboxes(Interface): """Container holding inboxes.""" def add_inbox(username): """Add an inbox for the user `username`. Returns the inbox.""" def send_message(sender, recipient, text, created=None): """Send a message. This will create Inboxes, Conversations and Messages as needed. `sender` (:class:`unicode`) The sender's username. `recipient` (:class:`unicode`) The recipient's username. `text` (:class:`unicode`) The Text of the message. `created` (:class:`datetime.datetime`, optional) The creation date. If none is given, the current time will be used. Raises: `ValueError` If the user is blocked, sender and recipient are identical or the message has no text. Returns: `None` """ def __getitem__(username): """Returns the inbox for the user `username`. Creates the inbox if it does not exist. """ def __delitem__(username): """Delete an inbox."""
[docs]class IInbox(Interface): """An inbox for an user and the container for conversations.""" # __parent__ = schema.Object( # title=u"The parent `IInboxes' object" # ) new_messages_count = schema.Int( title=u"Number of unread messages in the inbox", required=True, default=0 ) def add_conversation(conversation): """Add the conversation `conversation` to the inbox.""" def __getitem__(username): """Get the conversation with the user `username`.""" def __delitem__(username): """Delete the conversation the inbox user has with the user `username`. """ def get_conversations(): """Return all conversations stored in the inbox."""
[docs]class IConversation(Interface): """A conversation between the inbox user and another user. It contains the actual messages. """ # __parent__ = schema.Object( # title=u"The parent `IInbox' object" # ) username = schema.Text(title=u"The username of the other user (not the inbox user)") new_messages_count = schema.Int( title=u"Number of unread messages in the conversation", required=True, default=0 ) # probably not needed # last_updated = schema.Datetime( # title=u'Date when the Conversation was last updated', # missing_value=None, # ) def get_messages(): """Return all messages.""" def add_message(message): """Add a message that provides `IMessage`.""" def mark_read(): """Mark the conversation and all contained messages as read.""" def __getitem__(uid): """Return the message with the uid `uid`.""" def __delitem__(uid): """Delete the message with the uid `uid`."""
[docs]class IMessage(Interface): """A message.""" # __parent__ = schema.Object( # title=u"The parent `IConversation' object" # ) sender = schema.TextLine(title=u"Username of the sender") recipient = schema.TextLine(title=u"Username of the recipient") text = schema.Text(title=u"Text of the message") created = schema.Datetime(title=u"Time the Message was created") new = schema.Bool(title=u"Is the message read", default=False) uid = schema.Text(title=u"UUID unique within a conversation")
[docs]class IMessagingTool(Interface): """Tool to store messages in the ZODB."""
[docs]class IMessageSendEvent(Interface): message = Attribute("The message Object")