Source code for ploneintranet.microblog.interfaces

from zope import schema
from zope.interface import Attribute
from zope.interface import Interface

from plone.uuid.interfaces import IUUIDAware

from ploneintranet.core import ploneintranetCoreMessageFactory as _

[docs]class IStatusUpdate(Interface): """A single 'tweet'.""" id = schema.Int(title=_(u"A longint unique status id")) text = schema.Text( title=_(u"add_statusupdate_button", default=u"What are you doing?") ) creator = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Author name (for display)")) userid = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Userid")) creation_date = schema.Date(title=_(u"Creation date")) tags = Attribute("Tags/keywords") _microblog_context_uuid = Attribute("UUID of IMicroblogContext (e.g. a workspace)") # actual object context context_object = Attribute("UUID of context object (e.g. a Page)") # uuid of an object related to this post _content_context_uuid = Attribute("UUID of the object related to the status update") thread_id = Attribute(" from parent") def replies(): """ Return a list of replies (IStatusUpdate)""" attachments = Attribute( """ Returns an iterable IAttachmentStorage with the file attachment(s) for this IStatusUpdate. You can obtain the filenames by .attachments.keys() and get the file data by .attachments[key] """ ) def add_attachment(filename, data): """ Add a binary attachment. Can be called multiple times to attach multiple files. """ def remove_attachment(filename): """Remove the attachment named <filename>""" def absolute_url(): """View this statusupdate in it's proper context"""
[docs]class IStatusContainer(Interface): """Manages read/write access to, and storage of, IStatusUpdate instances. IStatusContainer provides a subset of a ZODB IBTree interface. Some IBTree methods are blocked because they would destroy consistency of the internal data structures. IStatusContainer manages a more complex data structure than just a BTree: it also provides for user and tag indexes. These are covered in additional methods. """ def add(status): """Add a IStatusUpdate. Actual storage may be queued for later insertion by the implementation. Returns 1 on completion of synchronous insertion. Returns 0 when the actual insertion is queued for later processing. """ def clear(): """Empty the status storage and all indexes.""" # primary accessors def get(key): """Fetch an IStatusUpdate by key.""" def items(min=None, max=None, limit=100, tags=None, users=None): """BTree compatible accessor. min and max are longint keys. limit returns [:limit] most recent items returns matching for either users or tags, if given. """ def keys(min=None, max=None, limit=100, tags=None, users=None): """BTree compatible accessor. min and max are longint keys. limit returns [:limit] most recent items returns matching for either users or tags, if given. """ def values(min=None, max=None, limit=100, tags=None, users=None): """BTree compatible accessor. min and max are longint keys. limit returns [:limit] most recent items returns matching for either users or tags, if given. """ iteritems = items iterkeys = keys itervalues = values # thread_* accessors def is_most_recent_in_thread(statusupdate): """Returns True if this statusupdate is the most recent reply in its thread, or if it's a toplevel post without replies. Returns False if there are more recent statusupdates in this thread. """ def thread_items(thread_id, min=None, max=None, limit=100): """BTree compatible accessor. min and max are longint keys. limit returns [:limit] most recent items returns items with the same toplevel thread parent (including parent) """ def thread_keys(thread_id, min=None, max=None, limit=100): """BTree compatible accessor. min and max are longint keys. limit returns [:limit] most recent items returns ids with the same toplevel thread parent (including parent) """ def thread_values(thread_id, min=None, max=None, limit=100): """BTree compatible accessor. min and max are longint keys. limit returns [:limit] most recent items returns updates with the same toplevel thread parent (including parent) """ # user_* accessors def user_items(users, min=None, max=None, limit=100): """Filter (key, IStatusUpdate) items by iterable of userids. min and max are longint keys. limit returns [:limit] most recent items """ def user_keys(users, min=None, max=None, limit=100): """Filter IStatusUpdate keys by iterable of userids. min and max are longint keys. limit returns [:limit] most recent items """ def user_values(users, min=None, max=None, limit=100): """Filter IStatusUpdate values by iterable of userids. min and max are longint keys. limit returns [:limit] most recent items """ # context_* accessors def context_items(context, min=None, max=None, limit=100): """Filter (key, IStatusUpdate) items by IMicroblogContext object. min and max are longint keys. limit returns [:limit] most recent items context <object> filters on StatusUpdates keyed to that context's UUID. """ def context_keys(context, min=None, max=None, limit=100): """Filter IStatusUpdate keys by IMicroblogContext object. min and max are longint keys. limit returns [:limit] most recent items """ def context_values(context, min=None, max=None, limit=100): """Filter IStatusUpdate values by IMicroblogContext object. min and max are longint keys. limit returns [:limit] most recent items """ # mention_* accessors def mention_items(mentions, min=None, max=None, limit=100): """Filter (key, IStatusUpdate) items by mentions. min and max are longint keys. limit returns [:limit] most recent items """ def mention_keys(mentions, min=None, max=None, limit=100): """Filter IStatusUpdate keys by mentions. min and max are longint keys. limit returns [:limit] most recent items """ def mention_values(mentions, min=None, max=None, limit=100): """Filter IStatusUpdate values by mentions. min and max are longint keys. limit returns [:limit] most recent items """
[docs]class IMicroblogTool(IStatusContainer): """Provide IStatusContainer as a site utility."""
[docs]class IMicroblogContext(IUUIDAware): """Marker interface for non-SiteRoot objects with a local microblog. Such objects should be adaptable to provide a UUID. """
[docs]class IURLPreview(Interface): """Tool to generate url preview image""" def generate_previews(url): """Return web preview image urls, in most cases it's the OG link."""