Source code for

# coding=utf-8
from BTrees.OOBTree import OOBTree
from datetime import datetime
from logging import getLogger
from plone import api
from ploneintranet.layout.setuphandlers import create_apps
import pytz

default_profile = ""
logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def upgrade_to_0002(context): context.runImportStepFromProfile(default_profile, "componentregistry")
[docs]def upgrade_to_0003(context): """ Get the ploneintranet_network tool and make it bookmark aware """ ng = api.portal.get_tool("ploneintranet_network") if not hasattr(ng, "_bookmarks"): ng._bookmarks = OOBTree() if not hasattr(ng, "_bookmarked"): ng._bookmarked = OOBTree() for item_type in ng.supported_bookmark_types: ng._bookmarks.insert(item_type, OOBTree()) ng._bookmarked.insert(item_type, OOBTree())
[docs]def upgrade_to_0004(context): """ Set timestamps on bookmarks """ ng = api.portal.get_tool("ploneintranet_network") if not hasattr(ng, "_bookmarked_on"): ng._bookmarked_on = OOBTree() for btree in ng._bookmarks.values(): for (user_id, item_ids) in btree.items(): _init_bookmark_on(ng, user_id, item_ids)
[docs]def _init_bookmark_on(ng, user_id, item_ids): # leaves existing intact ng._bookmarked_on.insert(user_id, OOBTree()) for item_id in item_ids: if item_id not in ng._bookmarked_on[user_id].keys(): ng._bookmarked_on[user_id][item_id] =
[docs]def upgrade_to_0005(context): """ Apps are now objects, so we want to update the bookmark storage """ ng = api.portal.get_tool("ploneintranet_network") # We may have some bookmarked apps as paths try: paths = set(ng._bookmarked.get("apps")) except TypeError: # no old-style apps bookmarked, nothing to upgrade"No old-style apps bookmarks found, move on folks.") return # we now have some apps create_apps() portal = api.portal.get() apps = [app for app in portal.apps.objectValues() if] # We want to create a mapping between those ones mapping = {} for path in paths: for app in apps: if in path: mapping[path] = app.UID() "Mapping path %s to application %s (%s)", path, app.title.encode("utf8"), app.UID(), ) # If there are some differences, warn the user for path in paths.difference(mapping): logger.warning( "Cannot map path %s to any of %r", path, sorted([ for app in apps]) ) # Now we migrate the database for path in mapping: uid = mapping[path] users = ng._bookmarked["apps"].pop(path, []) for user in users: # If the app is not already bookmarked for some reason, # bookmark it if not ng.is_bookmarked("content", uid, user): ng.bookmark("content", uid, user) # but setting an older timestamp (if possible) old_date = ng._bookmarked_on[user].pop(path, None) if old_date: ng._bookmarked_on[user][uid] = old_date # At this point we also clear the bookmarks try: ng._bookmarks["apps"][user].remove(path) except KeyError:"User %s bookmark %s appears already removed", user, path) # Finally clean up keys with empty values for user in set(ng._bookmarks.get("apps", [])): if not ng._bookmarks["apps"][user]: ng._bookmarks["apps"].pop(user) if not ng._bookmarks.get("apps"): ng._bookmarks.pop("apps", None) if not ng._bookmarked.get("apps"): ng._bookmarked.pop("apps", None)