Source code for ploneintranet.pagerank.graph

import networkx as nx
from plone import api
from zope.component import queryUtility

from import INetworkGraph

[docs]class Graphs(object): def __init__(self): self._cache = {}
[docs] def calculate(self): """Lazy initialization.""" # TODO: ensure that this is fully unrestricted / runs as admin catalog = api.portal.get_tool("portal_catalog") content_tree = [] content_authors = [] content_tags = [] for brain in catalog(): context = brain.getObject() context_path = "path:%s" % "/".join(context.getPhysicalPath()) for child_id in context.objectIds(): child_path = "%s/%s" % (context_path, child_id) # containment is a bidirectional relationship content_tree.append((context_path, child_path)) content_tree.append((child_path, context_path)) # TODO: add reference links # TODO: add text links for author in context.creators: # authorship is a bidirectional relationship content_authors.append((context_path, "user:%s" % author)) content_authors.append(("user:%s" % author, context_path)) # TODO: add sharing for tag in context.Subject(): # tagging is bidirectional between context and tag content_tags.append((context_path, "tag:%s" % tag)) content_tags.append(("tag:%s" % tag, context_path)) self._cache["content_tree"] = nx.from_edgelist( content_tree, create_using=nx.DiGraph() ) self._cache["content_authors"] = nx.from_edgelist( content_authors, create_using=nx.DiGraph() ) self._cache["content_tags"] = nx.from_edgelist( content_tags, create_using=nx.DiGraph() )
[docs] def social_following(self): # FIXME: add proper site context to graph graph = queryUtility(INetworkGraph) result = [] # FIXME: add proper API accessor to graph for user in graph._following["user"].keys(): for following in graph.get_following("user", user): result.append((user, following)) return nx.from_edgelist(result, create_using=nx.DiGraph())
# TODO: add microblog #tags # TODO: add microblog @mentions
[docs] def content_tree(self): # lazy init if "content_tree" not in self._cache: self.calculate() return self._cache["content_tree"]
[docs] def content_authors(self): # lazy init if "content_authors" not in self._cache: self.calculate() return self._cache["content_authors"]
[docs] def content_tags(self): # lazy init if "content_tags" not in self._cache: self.calculate() return self._cache["content_tags"]
[docs] def unify(self, edge_weights={}): """Return a unified DiGraph containing all subgraphs, with edges weighted differently per subgraph. """ social_following = self.social_following() weight = edge_weights.get("social_following", 1) for u, v, d in social_following.edges(data=True): d["weight"] = weight content_tree = self.content_tree() weight = edge_weights.get("content_tree", 1) for u, v, d in content_tree.edges(data=True): d["weight"] = weight content_authors = self.content_authors() weight = edge_weights.get("content_authors", 1) for u, v, d in content_authors.edges(data=True): d["weight"] = weight content_tags = self.content_tags() weight = edge_weights.get("content_tags", 1) for u, v, d in content_tags.edges(data=True): d["weight"] = weight return nx.compose_all( [social_following, content_tree, content_authors, content_tags] )