Source code for ploneintranet.suite.setuphandlers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collective.workspace.interfaces import IWorkspace
from datetime import date
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from plone import api
from import localized_now
from import RichTextValue
from plone.i18n.normalizer.interfaces import IURLNormalizer
from plone.namedfile.file import NamedBlobImage
from ploneintranet import api as pi_api
from ploneintranet.calendar.interfaces import (
    IMaintainerGroup as ICalendarMaintainerGroup,
)  # noqa: E501
from ploneintranet.calendar.interfaces import (
    IReaderGroup as ICalendarReaderGroup,
)  # noqa: E501
from ploneintranet.docconv.client.decorators import force_synchronous_pdf
from ploneintranet.microblog.interfaces import IMicroblogTool
from ploneintranet.microblog.upgrades.migration import discuss_older_docs
from import IDublinCore
from import INetworkTool
from import INewsApp
from ploneintranet.workspace.config import INTRANET_USERS_GROUP_ID
from ploneintranet.workspace.config import TEMPLATES_FOLDER
from z3c.relationfield import RelationValue
from zope.component import getUtility
from zope.component import queryUtility
from zope.event import notify
from zope.interface import Invalid
from zope.interface import alsoProvides
from zope.intid.interfaces import IIntIds
from zope.lifecycleevent import ObjectModifiedEvent

import copy
import csv
import json
import logging
import loremipsum
import os
import pytz
import random
import re
import time

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# commits are needed in interactive but break in test mode
if api.env.test_mode:

[docs] def commit(): return
else: from transaction import commit
[docs]def default(context): """Run when installing the default profile. """"create case templates") casetemplates = case_templates_spec(context) # TEMPLATES_FOLDER is already created by ploneintranet.workspace create_caseworkspaces(casetemplates, container=TEMPLATES_FOLDER)"publish top-level portal sections / apps") portal = api.portal.get() configure_session_cookies(portal) pwt = api.portal.get_tool("portal_workflow") # Hack to have the objects published after a workflow change, # see #1053 and #2829 to_publish = ("news", "library", "apps", "profiles", "groups") for id in to_publish: obj = getattr(portal, id, None) if obj and api.content.get_state(obj) != "published": try: pwt.doActionFor(obj, "publish") except BaseException: log.exception("Cannot publish the top-level item: %r", obj) commit()"default setup: done.")
[docs]def full(context): """ Full profile also deletes default Plone content """"default setup") cleanup_default_content(context) commit() default(context)
[docs]def _setup_event_agenda_items(): """ We set up the agenda items field in a test event. The agenda items will be composed of one UID and three normal strings """ folder = api.content.get("/workspaces/open-market-committee/manage-information") event = folder["open-market-day"] document = folder["repurchase-agreements"] event.agenda_items = [ "Prologue", document.UID(), u"☰", u"Epilogue and final greetings", ]
@force_synchronous_pdf def testing(context): """ Important! We do not want to have users with global roles such as Editor or Contributor in our test setup. """"testcontent setup") context = context._getImportContext("profile-ploneintranet.suite:testing")"create_users") users = users_spec(context) create_users(context, users, "avatars") intranet_users = pi_api.workgroup.get(groupid="intranet") alsoProvides(intranet_users, ICalendarReaderGroup) calendar_managers = pi_api.workgroup.create( groupid="calendar-managers", title="Calendar Managers" ) calendar_managers.members.add("christian_stoney") calendar_managers.reindexObject() hr_group = pi_api.workgroup.create(groupid="hr", title="HR") hr_group.members.add("alice_lindstrom") hr_group.members.add("guy_hackey") alsoProvides(hr_group, ICalendarMaintainerGroup) hr_group.reindexObject() prod_group = pi_api.workgroup.create(groupid="production", title="Production") prod_group.members.add("dollie_nocera") alsoProvides(prod_group, ICalendarReaderGroup) prod_group.reindexObject() commit()"create workspaces") workspaces = workspaces_spec(context) create_workspaces(workspaces) commit()"create caseworkspaces") caseworkspaces = caseworkspaces_spec(context) create_caseworkspaces(caseworkspaces) _setup_event_agenda_items() commit() portal = api.portal.get() # big setup only when manually re-running testcontent bigsetup = bool(len(portal.library.objectIds()))"create library content, bigsetup=%s", bigsetup) library = library_spec(context) # will create minimal library with only small HR section by default # will create big library on second manual testcontent run # will do nothing on third and subsequent runs create_library_content(None, library, bigsetup=bigsetup) commit()"create microblog stream") stream_json = os.path.join(context._profile_path, "stream.json") with open(stream_json, "rb") as stream_json_data: stream = json.load(stream_json_data) create_stream(context, stream, "files") commit()"add discussion streams on testcontent") # easier than emitting event and running into async issues discuss_older_docs(None, do_commit=False) commit() # no-op when in test mode avoids breakage"Create some bookmarks") create_bookmarks() commit()"Create direct messages") create_messages() commit()"Create calendars") create_calendars() commit() # test content is setup by news:testing"Grant roles to the apps") configure_news() configure_contacts() commit()"done.")
[docs]def cleanup_default_content(context): """ Remove default content created by Plone for an empty site, we don't need it. """"cleanup Plone default content") portal = api.portal.get() delete_ids = ["front-page", "events", "Members"] # if the News App has already been created, don't delete it here again if "news" in portal: app_obj = if not INewsApp.providedBy(app_obj): delete_ids.append("news") default_content = [portal.get(c) for c in delete_ids if c in portal.objectIds()] if default_content: api.content.delete(objects=default_content)"removed Plone default content") else:"no Plone default content to remove")
[docs]def users_spec(context): users_csv_file = os.path.join(context._profile_path, "users.csv") users = [] with open(users_csv_file, "rb") as users_csv_data: reader = csv.DictReader(users_csv_data) for user in reader: user = {k: v.decode("utf-8") for k, v in user.iteritems()} if not user.get("email", "").strip(): user["email"] = "{}".format(decode(user["userid"])) user["follows"] = [decode(u) for u in user["follows"].split(" ") if u] users.append(user) return users
[docs]def create_users(context, users, avatars_dir, force=False): """Creates user from the given list of dictionaries. ``context`` is the step context. ``users`` is a list of dictionaries each containing the following keys: * userid * fullname * email * location * description * follows (a list of userids followed) ``avatars_dir`` is a directory where for each userid there is a ``$userid.jpg`` file. """ for i, user in enumerate(users): email = decode(user["email"]) userid = decode(user["userid"]) portrait_filename = "{}.jpg".format(userid) fullname = user.get("fullname", u"Anon Ymous {}".format(i)) firstname, lastname = fullname.split(" ", 1) properties = { "fullname": fullname, "first_name": firstname, "last_name": lastname, "location": user.get("location", u"Unknown"), "description": user.get("description", u""), } try: profile = pi_api.userprofile.create( username=userid, email=email, password="secret", approve=True, properties=properties, )"Created user {}".format(userid)) except Invalid: # Already exists if not force:"users already configured. skipping for speed") return # update profile = pi_api.userprofile.get(userid) for key, value in properties.items(): if key != "fullname": # now this field is calculated setattr(profile, key, value)"Updated user {}".format(userid)) portrait_path = os.path.join(avatars_dir, portrait_filename) portrait = context.openDataFile(portrait_path) if portrait: image = NamedBlobImage(, filename=portrait_filename.decode("utf-8") ) profile.portrait = image else: log.warning( "Missing portrait file for {}: {}".format(userid, portrait_filename) ) # setup social network graph = queryUtility(INetworkTool) graph.clear() for user in users: for followee in user.get("follows", []): graph.follow("user", decode(followee), user["userid"]) # configure guest users for extranet tests portal = api.portal.get() portal.groups.intranet.members.remove("robinson_crusoe") portal.groups.intranet.members.remove("ulysses_grant") notify(ObjectModifiedEvent(portal.groups.intranet))
[docs]def workspaces_spec(context): now = localized_now() budget_proposal_filename = u"budget-proposal.png" budget_proposal_path = os.path.join("images", budget_proposal_filename) budget_proposal_img = NamedBlobImage( data=context.openDataFile(budget_proposal_path).read(), filename=budget_proposal_filename, ) minutes_filename = u"minutes.docx" minutes_path = os.path.join("files", minutes_filename) minutes_file = NamedBlobImage( data=context.openDataFile(minutes_path).read(), filename=minutes_filename ) tomorrow = (now + timedelta(days=1)).replace( hour=9, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0 ) next_month = (now + timedelta(days=30)).replace( hour=9, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0 ) # Create workspaces workspaces = [ { "title": "Open Market Committee", "description": "The OMC holds eight regularly scheduled meetings " "during the year and other meetings as needed.", "participant_policy": "publishers", "members": { "allan_neece": [u"Members"], "christian_stoney": [u"Admins", u"Members"], "neil_wichmann": [u"Members"], "francois_gast": [u"Members"], "jamie_jacko": [u"Members"], "jesse_shaik": [u"Members"], "jorge_primavera": [u"Members"], "silvio_depaoli": [u"Members"], "lance_stockstill": [u"Members"], "pearlie_whitby": [u"Members"], "dollie_nocera": [u"Members"], "esmeralda_claassen": [u"Members"], "rosalinda_roache": [u"Members"], "guy_hackey": [u"Members"], "ulysses_grant": [u"Members"], }, "contents": [ { "title": "Manage Information", "type": "Folder", "contents": [ { "title": "Preparation of Records", "description": "How to prepare records", "state": "published", "subject": "Read carefully", "type": "File", }, { "title": "Public bodies reform", "description": "Making arrangements for the transfer " "of information, records and knowledge is a " "key part of any Machinery of Government " "change.", "type": "Document", "state": "published", }, { "title": "Repurchase Agreements", "description": "A staff presentation outlined several " "approaches to raising shortterm interest " "rates when it becomes appropriate to do " "so, and to controlling the level of " "short-term interest rates ", "owner": "allan_neece", "type": "Document", }, { "title": u"Budget Proposal", "description": ( u"A diagram of the factors impacting the budget " u"and results" ), "owner": "allan_neece", "image": budget_proposal_img, "type": "Image", }, { "title": u"Minutes", "owner": "allan_neece", "description": u"Meeting Minutes", "file": minutes_file, "type": "File", }, { "title": u"Minutes Overview", "owner": "allan_neece", "description": u"Meeting Minutes Overview", "type": "Document", "modification_date": now - timedelta(days=60), "creation_date": now - timedelta(days=60), }, { "title": "Open Market Day", "type": "Event", "state": "published", "start": tomorrow, "end": tomorrow + timedelta(hours=8), }, { "title": "Plone Conf", "type": "Event", "state": "published", "start": next_month, "end": next_month + timedelta(days=3, hours=8), }, { "title": "Yesterday's gone", "type": "Event", "state": "published", "owner": "allan_neece", "start": tomorrow - timedelta(days=3), "end": tomorrow - timedelta(days=2), }, ], }, { "title": "Projection Materials", "type": "Folder", "contents": [{"title": "Projection Material", "type": "File"}], }, { "title": "Future Event", "type": "Event", "start": now + timedelta(days=7), "end": now + timedelta(days=14), }, { "title": "Past Event", "type": "Event", "start": now + timedelta(days=-7), "end": now + timedelta(days=-14), }, { "title": "Files for application 2837", "type": "ploneintranet.workspace.mail", "mail_from": u"", "mail_to": ( u"", u"", ), "mail_body": RichTextValue( u""" <p>Dear mister Kolbach,</p> <p>We’ll process your application with the shortest delay.</p> <p>Yours sincerely, <br> Alexander Pilz</p> <blockquote> <p>Dear Sir or Madam,</p> <p>Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.</p> <p>Kind regards,<br> Cornelis G. A. Kolbach</p> </blockquote> """ ), "contents": [ { "title": "Budget proposal", "type": "Image", "image": budget_proposal_img, }, { "title": u"Minutes", "owner": "allan_neece", "description": u"Meeting Minutes", "file": minutes_file, "type": "File", }, ], }, ], }, { "title": "Parliamentary papers guidance", "description": '"Parliamentary paper" is a term used to describe ' "a document which is laid before Parliament. Most " "government organisations will produce at least one " "parliamentary paper per year.", "participant_policy": "producers", "members": { "allan_neece": [u"Members"], "christian_stoney": [u"Admins", u"Members"], "francois_gast": [u"Members"], "jamie_jacko": [u"Members"], "fernando_poulter": [u"Members"], "jesse_shaik": [u"Members"], "jorge_primavera": [u"Members"], "silvio_depaoli": [u"Members"], "kurt_weissman": [u"Members"], "esmeralda_claassen": [u"Members"], "rosalinda_roache": [u"Members"], "guy_hackey": [u"Members"], }, "contents": [ { "title": "Test Document", "description": "A document just for testing", "type": "Document", "text": "Hello World", } ], }, { "title": u"Shareholder information", "description": u'"Shareholder information" contains all documents,' u" papers and diagrams for keeping shareholders informed about " u"the current state of affairs.", "participant_policy": "consumers", "visible_to_intranet_users": True, "members": { "allan_neece": [u"Members"], "christian_stoney": [u"Admins", u"Members"], "francois_gast": [u"Members"], "jamie_jacko": [u"Members"], "fernando_poulter": [u"Members"], "jesse_shaik": [u"Members"], "jorge_primavera": [u"Members"], "silvio_depaoli": [u"Members"], "kurt_weissman": [u"Members"], "esmeralda_claassen": [u"Members"], "rosalinda_roache": [u"Members"], "guy_hackey": [u"Members"], }, "contents": [ { "title": "Test Document", "description": "A document just for testing", "type": "Document", "state": "published", "text": "Hello World", } ], }, { "title": u"Service announcements", "description": u"Public service announcements can be found here.", "accessible_to_intranet_users": True, "participant_policy": "consumers", "members": { "allan_neece": [u"Members"], "christian_stoney": [u"Admins", u"Members"], "francois_gast": [u"Members"], "jamie_jacko": [u"Members"], "fernando_poulter": [u"Members"], "jesse_shaik": [u"Members"], "jorge_primavera": [u"Members"], "silvio_depaoli": [u"Members"], "kurt_weissman": [u"Members"], "esmeralda_claassen": [u"Members"], "rosalinda_roache": [u"Members"], "guy_hackey": [u"Members"], }, "contents": [ { "title": "Terms and conditions", "description": "A document just for testing", "type": "Document", "state": "published", "text": "These are the terms, my dear", }, { "title": "Customer satisfaction survey", "description": "A private document", "type": "Document", }, ], }, { "title": u"Lounge activities", "members": { "allan_neece": [u"Members"], "christian_stoney": [u"Admins", u"Members"], "esmeralda_claassen": [u"Members"], "guy_hackey": [u"Members"], }, "portal_type": "ploneintranet.workspace.superspace", }, { "title": u"Lounge renovations", "description": u"There are always some lounges under renovation across the globe.", # noqa "members": { "allan_neece": [u"Members"], "christian_stoney": [u"Admins", u"Members"], "esmeralda_claassen": [u"Members"], "guy_hackey": [u"Members"], }, "portal_type": "ploneintranet.workspace.superspace", "superspace": "lounge-activities", }, { "title": u"Lounge Vienna", "description": u"The lounge at Vienna airport is an elegant and quite place for travelers", # noqa "members": { "allan_neece": [u"Members"], "christian_stoney": [u"Admins", u"Members"], "esmeralda_claassen": [u"Members"], "guy_hackey": [u"Members"], }, "superspace": "lounge-activities", }, { "title": u"Renovation project lounge München", "members": { "allan_neece": [u"Members"], "christian_stoney": [u"Admins", u"Members"], "esmeralda_claassen": [u"Members"], "guy_hackey": [u"Members"], }, "superspace": "lounge-renovations", }, ] return workspaces
[docs]def create_calendars(): portal = api.portal.get() calendar_folder = portal.get("calendars") groupname="calendar-managers", obj=calendar_folder, roles=["Contributor", "Editor", "Reader"], ) calendar_user = api.user.get(username="christian_stoney").getUser() # Visible to everyone, auto-accepts contributions website_events = api.content.create( container=calendar_folder, title="Website Events", id="website-events", type="ploneintranet.calendar.central_calendar", reader_group="All Intranet Users", allow_contributions=True, automatically_accept=True, ) website_events.changeOwnership(calendar_user) ws = portal.workspaces.get("open-market-committee") event = ws.get("future-event") intids = getUtility(IIntIds) cal_id = intids.getId(website_events) event.shared_calendar = RelationValue(cal_id) api.content.transition(obj=event, transition="submit") # Visible to everyone, contributions are moderated by a group company_outings = api.content.create( container=calendar_folder, title="Company Outings", id="company-outings", type="ploneintranet.calendar.central_calendar", reader_group="All Intranet Users", maintainer_group="production", allow_contributions=True, automatically_accept=False, ) company_outings.changeOwnership(calendar_user) # Visible to particular group only, contributions are moderated hr_events = api.content.create( container=calendar_folder, title="HR Events", id="hr-events", type="ploneintranet.calendar.central_calendar", reader_group="hr", allow_contributions=True, automatically_accept=False, ) hr_events.changeOwnership(calendar_user)
[docs]def create_workspaces(workspaces, force=False): portal = api.portal.get() ws_folder = portal["workspaces"] intids = getUtility(IIntIds) if not force and ( "ploneintranet.workspace.workspacefolder" in [x.portal_type for x in ws_folder.objectValues()] ):"workspaces already setup. skipping for speed.") return for w in workspaces: contents = w.pop("contents", None) members = w.pop("members", {}) participant_policy = w.pop("participant_policy", "consumers") visible_to_intranet_users = w.pop("visible_to_intranet_users", False) accessible_to_intranet_users = w.pop("accessible_to_intranet_users", False) portal_type = w.pop("portal_type", "ploneintranet.workspace.workspacefolder") superspace = w.pop("superspace", None) if superspace: w["superspace"] = RelationValue(intids.getId(ws_folder[superspace])) workspace = api.content.create(container=ws_folder, type=portal_type, **w) if "superspace" in workspace.portal_type: workspace.manage_addLocalRoles( INTRANET_USERS_GROUP_ID, workspace._superspace_roles ) workspace.reindexObjectSecurity() else: workspace.participant_policy = participant_policy workspace.visible_to_intranet_users = visible_to_intranet_users workspace.accessible_to_intranet_users = ( accessible_to_intranet_users ) # noqa: E501 if contents is not None: create_ws_content(workspace, contents) for (m, groups) in members.items(): IWorkspace(workspace).add_to_team(m, groups=set(groups))
[docs]def case_templates_spec(context): today = case_templates = [ { "title": "Case Template", "description": "A Template Case Workspace, pre-populated with tasks", "members": { "allan_neece": [u"Members"], "dollie_nocera": [u"Members"], "christian_stoney": [u"Admins", u"Members"], }, "contents": [ { "title": "Populate Metadata", "type": "todo", "description": "Identify and fill in the Metadata", "milestone": "new", }, { "title": "Identify the requirements", "type": "todo", "description": "Analyse the request and identify the requirements", "milestone": "prepare", }, { "title": "Draft proposal", "type": "todo", "description": "Create a draft proposal", "milestone": "prepare", "creation_date": today - timedelta(days=2), }, { "title": "Budget", "type": "todo", "description": "Propose funding", "milestone": "prepare", }, { "title": "Stakeholder feedback", "type": "todo", "description": "Collect initial stakeholder feedback", "milestone": "prepare", }, { "title": "Quality check", "type": "todo", "description": "Verify completeness of case proposal", "milestone": "complete", "creation_date": today - timedelta(days=4), }, { "title": "Financial audit", "type": "todo", "description": "Verify financial consequences", "milestone": "audit", }, { "title": "Legal audit", "type": "todo", "description": "Verify legal requirements", "milestone": "audit", }, { "title": "Schedule", "type": "todo", "description": "Schedule decision", "milestone": "propose", }, { "title": "Confirm", "type": "todo", "description": "Communicate decision to all stakeholders", "milestone": "decided", }, { "title": "Execute", "type": "todo", "description": "Implement decision taken", "milestone": "decided", }, { "title": "Evaluate", "type": "todo", "description": "Document post-implementation evaluation", "milestone": "closed", }, { "title": "File report", "type": "todo", "description": "Prepare case for archival", "milestone": "closed", }, ], } ] return case_templates
[docs]def caseworkspaces_spec(context): now = localized_now() today = # use template todos as a base base_contents = case_templates_spec(context)[0]["contents"] for todo in base_contents: todo["initiator"] = "christian_stoney" for i in range(2): base_contents[i]["state"] = "done" for i in range(4): base_contents[i]["assignee"] = random.choice(["dollie_nocera", "allan_neece"]) for i in range(6): base_contents[i]["due"] = today + timedelta(days=i * 2) caseworkspaces = [ { "title": "Example Case", "description": "A case management workspace demonstrating the " "adaptive case management functionality.", "state": "prepare", "members": { "allan_neece": [u"Members"], "dollie_nocera": [u"Members"], "christian_stoney": [u"Admins", u"Members"], }, "contents": base_contents + [ { "title": "Future Meeting", "type": "Event", "start": now + timedelta(days=7), "end": now + timedelta(days=14), }, { "title": "Past Meeting", "type": "Event", "start": now + timedelta(days=-7), "end": now + timedelta(days=-14), }, ], } ] return caseworkspaces
[docs]def create_caseworkspaces( caseworkspaces, container="workspaces", force=False, workflow_policy="case_workflow", portal_type="", ): portal = api.portal.get() pwft = api.portal.get_tool("portal_placeful_workflow") if container not in portal: ws_folder = api.content.create( container=portal, type="ploneintranet.workspace.workspacecontainer", title="Workspaces", ) api.content.transition(ws_folder, "publish") else: ws_folder = portal[container] if not force and ( "" in [x.portal_type for x in ws_folder.objectValues()] ):"caseworkspaces already setup. skipping for speed.") return for w in caseworkspaces: contents = w.pop("contents", None) members = w.pop("members", []) state = w.pop("state", None) try: caseworkspace = api.content.create( container=ws_folder, type=portal_type, **w ) except BaseException: log.exception("Error creating %s in %r", portal_type, ws_folder) continue caseworkspace.manage_addProduct[ "CMFPlacefulWorkflow" ].manage_addWorkflowPolicyConfig() wfconfig = pwft.getWorkflowPolicyConfig(caseworkspace) wfconfig.setPolicyIn(workflow_policy, update_security=True) if contents is not None: create_ws_content(caseworkspace, contents) for (m, groups) in members.items(): IWorkspace(caseworkspace).add_to_team(m, groups=set(groups)) if state is not None: api.content.transition(caseworkspace, to_state=state) if "file-report" in caseworkspace: # We want the todo "File report" to be the most recently modified # For this reason we call a reindexObject() # that will touch the modification date caseworkspace["file-report"].reindexObject()
[docs]def create_ws_content(parent, contents): for content in contents: sub_contents = content.pop("contents", None) owner = content.pop("owner", None) state = content.pop("state", None) if "id" not in content: content["id"] = getUtility(IURLNormalizer).normalize(content["title"]) obj = api.content.create(container=parent, **content) if owner is not None: try: api.user.grant_roles(username=owner, roles=["Owner"], obj=obj) except api.exc.InvalidParameterError as ipe: log.warning( "Grant roles did not work for user %s. " "Does the user exist?" % owner ) raise api.exc.InvalidParameterError(ipe) obj.reindexObject() # Avoid 'reindexObject' overriding custom # modification dates if "modification_date" in content: obj.modification_date = content["modification_date"] obj.reindexObject(idxs=["modified"]) if "creation_date" in content: obj.creation_date = content["creation_date"] obj.reindexObject(idxs=["created"]) if state is not None: api.content.transition(obj, to_state=state) if sub_contents is not None: create_ws_content(obj, sub_contents)
[docs]def library_spec(context): hr = { "type": "ploneintranet.library.section", "title": "Human Resources", "description": "Information from the HR department", "contents": [ { "type": "ploneintranet.library.folder", "title": "Leave policies", "description": "Holidays and sick leave", "contents": [ { "type": "Document", "title": "Holidays", "desciption": "Yearly holiday allowance", }, { "type": "Document", "title": "Sick Leave", "desciption": ( "You're not feeling too well, " "here's what to do" ), }, { "type": "Document", "title": "Pregnancy", "desciption": "Expecting a child?", }, ], } ], } mixed_contents = [] for i in range(3): mixed_contents.append({"type": "ploneintranet.library.folder"}) for i in range(5): mixed_contents.append({"type": "Document"}) mixedfolder = {"type": "ploneintranet.library.folder", "contents": mixed_contents} for i in range(3): # leave policies hr["contents"][0]["contents"].append(mixedfolder) for i in range(3): hr["contents"].append(mixedfolder) library = [hr] for i in range(4): library.append( {"type": "ploneintranet.library.section", "contents": [mixedfolder] * 5} ) return library
library_tags = ( u"EU", u"Spain", u"UK", u"Belgium", u"confidential", u"onboarding", u"budget", u"policy", u"administration", u"press", ) idcounter = 0
[docs]def create_library_content( parent, spec, force=False, creator="alice_lindstrom", bigsetup=False ): if parent is None: # initial recursion portal = api.portal.get() parent = portal.library api.user.grant_roles( username=creator, roles=["Contributor", "Reviewer", "Editor"], obj=portal.library, ) try: api.content.transition(portal.library, "publish") except api.exc.InvalidParameterError: # subsequent runs, already published pass # initial (automated testing) testcontent run: no children # second manual testcontent run: 1 child HR -> do big setup # subsequent manual testcontent runs: skip for speed already_setup = bool(len(portal.library.objectIds()) > 1) if already_setup and not force:"library already setup. skipping for speed.") return # recursively called while spec: # avoiding side effects here cost me 4 hours!! item = copy.deepcopy(spec.pop(0)) if "title" not in item and not bigsetup: # skip lorem ipsum creation unless we're running bigsetup continue contents = item.pop("contents", None) if "title" not in item: global idcounter idcounter += 1 item["title"] = "Lorem Ipsum %s" % idcounter if "description" not in item: item["description"] = loremipsum.get_sentence() if item["type"] in ("Document",): raw_text = "\n\n".join(loremipsum.get_paragraphs(3)) item["text"] = RichTextValue( raw=raw_text, mimeType="text/plain", outputMimeType="text/x-html-safe" ) obj = create_as(creator, container=parent, **item) if not item["type"].startswith("ploneintranet"): # only tag non-folderish content tags = random.sample(library_tags, random.choice(range(4))) tags.append(u"I ♥ UTF-8") wrapped = IDublinCore(obj) wrapped.subjects = tags api.content.transition(obj, "publish") obj.reindexObject() # or solr doesn't find it if contents: create_library_content(obj, contents, creator=creator, bigsetup=bigsetup)
[docs]def create_stream(context, stream, files_dir): hashtags = re.compile("#(\S+)") atmentions = re.compile("@(\S+)") contexts_cache = {} testfiles = {} abs_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "profiles", "testing", files_dir) for filename in os.listdir(abs_dir): with open(os.path.join(abs_dir, filename)) as fh: testfiles[filename.decode("utf-8")] = like_tool = getUtility(INetworkTool) microblog = queryUtility(IMicroblogTool) microblog.clear() _orig_async = microblog.ASYNC microblog.ASYNC = False UTC = pytz.timezone("UTC") for status in stream: microblog_context = status["microblog_context"] if microblog_context: if microblog_context not in contexts_cache: contexts_cache[microblog_context] = api.content.get( path="/" + decode(microblog_context).lstrip("/") ) m_context_obj = contexts_cache[microblog_context] offset_time = status["timestamp"] * 60 _time = UTC.localize(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time() - abs(offset_time))) status_obj = pi_api.microblog.statusupdate.create( text=status["text"], microblog_context=m_context_obj, mention_ids=atmentions.findall(status["text"]), tags=hashtags.findall(status["text"]), userid=status["user"], time=_time, ) # stored by pi_api # add attachments if "attachment" in status: filename = status["attachment"]["filename"] data = testfiles[filename] status_obj.add_attachment(filename, data) # like some status-updates if "likes" in status: for user_id in status["likes"]:"update", user_id=user_id, item_id=str( for idx, reply in enumerate(status.get("replies", [])): pi_api.microblog.statusupdate.create( text=reply["text"], microblog_context=m_context_obj, userid=reply["author"], time=_time + timedelta(microseconds=idx),, ) microblog.ASYNC = _orig_async
[docs]def decode(value): if isinstance(value, unicode): return value.encode("utf-8") return value
[docs]def create_as(userid, *args, **kwargs): """Call api.content.create as a different user """ obj = None with api.env.adopt_user(username=userid): try: if "id" not in kwargs: kwargs["id"] = getUtility(IURLNormalizer).normalize(kwargs["title"]) obj = api.content.create(*args, **kwargs) except BaseException: # we still need to know what happend raise return obj
[docs]def create_bookmarks(): """ Bookmark some applications """ pn = api.portal.get_tool("ploneintranet_network") portal = api.portal.get() workspaces = portal["workspaces"] manage_information = workspaces["open-market-committee"]["manage-information"] [ pn.bookmark("content", uid, u"allan_neece") for uid in ( workspaces["example-case"].UID(), workspaces["shareholder-information"].UID(), workspaces["example-case"]["draft-proposal"].UID(), manage_information["minutes"].UID(), manage_information["minutes-overview"].UID(), manage_information["budget-proposal"].UID(), portal["library"]["human-resources"]["leave-policies"].UID(), portal["apps"]["bookmarks"].UID(), portal["profiles"]["alice_lindstrom"].UID(), portal["profiles"]["kurt_weissman"].UID(), portal["profiles"]["pearlie_whitby"].UID(), portal["profiles"]["silvio_depaoli"].UID(), ) ] pn.bookmark("content", portal["apps"]["bookmarks"].UID(), u"fernando_poulter")
[docs]def create_messages(): """Generate some message traffic for testing ploneintranet.messaging. """ inboxes = pi_api.messaging.get_inboxes() stamp = datetime(2016, 7, 1, 9, 23) for me in ("allan_neece", "christian_stoney"): phrases = iter(PHRASES) for other in ("alice_lindstrom", "guy_hackey", "dollie_nocera"): inboxes.send_message(me, other,, stamp) stamp += timedelta(minutes=2) inboxes.send_message(other, me,, stamp) stamp += timedelta(minutes=1) inboxes.send_message(me, other,, stamp) stamp += timedelta(minutes=20) inboxes.send_message(me, other,, stamp) stamp += timedelta(minutes=2) inboxes.send_message(other, me,, stamp) stamp += timedelta(days=2) inboxes.send_message(other, me,, stamp) if other != "guy_hackey": inboxes[me][other].mark_read() # another round to create a searchable inbox phrases = iter(PHRASES) me = "guido_stevens" for other in ( "francois_gast", "esmeralda_claassen", "jamie_jacko", "fernando_poulter", "jesse_shaik", "jorge_primavera", "alice_lindstrom", "lance_stockstill", "neil_wichmann", ): inboxes.send_message(me, other,, stamp) stamp += timedelta(minutes=2) inboxes.send_message(other, me,, stamp)
PHRASES = [ "Go and live with her, then! See if I care.", "Somehow we need to persuade him to part with a million dollars.", "Don't be scared. I just need you to come with me for a minute.", "I'm telling you - the guy was a complete stranger.", "This isn't just about you. It's about what's best for all of us.", "There's something I need to get off my chest.", "Don't upset your father, not now.", "I've been checking you out.", "You had time to call the police. Why didn't you?", "You're paying a small price compared with what she's going through.", "Why did you scream like that?", "What a thing to say - and on my birthday!", "I want to turn back the clock to before...", "Find some proof that she's betrayed you.", "You don't want to live in a society like this!", "Give me one good reason why I should wear a dress.", "What do you remember about your mother?", "I just want a nice, easy life. What's wrong with that?", "I'm ready to try again, if you are?", ]
[docs]def configure_news(*args): """Give alice_lindstrom full rights on the news app.""" portal = api.portal.get() api.user.grant_roles( username="alice_lindstrom",, roles=["Contributor", "Editor", "Reviewer"], )
[docs]def configure_contacts(*args): """Give dollie_nocera full rights on the groups folder to manage them in the contacts app.""" portal = api.portal.get() api.user.grant_roles( username="dollie_nocera", obj=portal.groups, roles=["Contributor", "Editor", "Reviewer"], )
[docs]def configure_session_cookies(portal): portal.acl_users.session.cookie_lifetime = 1 portal.acl_users.session.timeout = 0