Source code for ploneintranet.workspace.adapters

# coding=utf-8
from Acquisition import aq_inner
from Acquisition import Implicit
from borg.localrole.default_adapter import DefaultLocalRoleAdapter
from borg.localrole.interfaces import ILocalRoleProvider
from BTrees.OOBTree import OOBTree
from BTrees.OOBTree import OOTreeSet
from collections import OrderedDict
from collective.workspace.workspace import Workspace
from datetime import datetime
from OFS.owner import Owned
from plone import api
from import IEvent
from plone.folder.ordered import OrderedBTreeFolderBase
from plone.indexer.wrapper import IndexableObjectWrapper
from plone.uuid.interfaces import IUUID
from ploneintranet.core import ploneintranetCoreMessageFactory as _
from ploneintranet.layout.memoize.view import memoize
from ploneintranet.layout.memoize.view import memoize_contextless
from import IMembraneGroupMarker
from ploneintranet.workspace.config import SecretWorkspaceNotAllowed
from ploneintranet.workspace.interfaces import IBaseWorkspaceFolder
from ploneintranet.workspace.interfaces import IMetroMap
from ploneintranet.workspace.membership import PloneIntranetTeamMembership
from ploneintranet.workspace.utils import parent_workspace
from Products.CMFCore.Expression import getExprContext
from Products.CMFCore.interfaces import IContentish
from Products.CMFCore.interfaces import IFolderish
from Products.PortalTransforms.utils import safe_nativestring
from zope.component import adapter
from zope.component import getMultiAdapter
from zope.globalrequest import getRequest
from zope.interface import implementer

import logging
import persistent

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    u"Admins": ("Contributor", "Editor", "Reviewer", "Reader", "TeamManager"),
    u"Members": ("TeamMember",),
    u"Guests": ("TeamGuest",),
    # These are the 'participation policy' groups
    u"Consumers": (),
    u"Producers": ("Contributor",),
    u"Publishers": ("Contributor", "SelfPublisher"),
    u"Moderators": ("Reader", "Contributor", "Reviewer", "Editor"),

[docs]class PloneIntranetWorkspace(Workspace): """ A custom workspace behaviour, based on collective.workspace Here we define our own available groups, and the roles they are given on the workspace. """ membership_factory = PloneIntranetTeamMembership # A list of groups to which team members can be assigned. # Maps group name -> roles available_groups = AVAILABLE_GROUPS
[docs] def add_to_team(self, userid, **kw): """ Add user/group to this workspace We override this method from collective.workspace to add our additional participation policy groups, as detailed in available_groups above. Also used to update an existing members' groups. """ data = kw.copy() groups = data.get("groups") or [] if "Members" in groups: # Members is an automatic group - ignore groups.remove("Members") if not groups: # Put user in the default policy group if none provided default_group = self.context.participant_policy.title() data["groups"] = set([default_group]) group = # check: are we adding a workspace-group? # And if so, is it a group we cannot see? if group: ws = api.portal.get().workspaces.get(group.getId()) if ( ws and IMembraneGroupMarker.providedBy(ws) and not ws.visible_to_intranet_users ): raise SecretWorkspaceNotAllowed( u"Forbidden: A workspace cannot be added as member " u"if it is not visible to all the intranet users. " ) return super(PloneIntranetWorkspace, self).add_to_team(userid, **data)
[docs] def group_for_policy(self, policy=None): """ Lookup the collective.workspace usergroup corresponding to the given policy :param policy: The value of the policy to lookup, defaults to the current policy :type policy: str """ if policy is None: policy = self.context.participant_policy return "%s:%s" % (policy.title(), self.context.UID())
[docs] def update_participant_policy_groups(self, old_policy, new_policy): """Move relevant members to a new default policy We only move members who were previously part of the *old* policy. This allows for 'exception' users who have been promoted/demoted manually to retain their existing roles. """ members = self.members old_group = old_policy.title() new_group = new_policy.title() for userid in members: groups = self.get(userid).groups if old_group not in groups: # This user was an exception to the default policy # so we ignore them continue groups.remove(old_group) groups.add(new_group) self.add_to_team(userid, groups=groups) user = api.user.get_current() "%s changed policy on %s from %s to %s for %s members", user.getId(), repr(self.context), old_policy.title(), new_policy.title(), len(members), )
[docs]@implementer(ILocalRoleProvider) @adapter(IBaseWorkspaceFolder) class RemoteAdminLocalRoleAdapter(object): """ Treat the remote_admin user as a local admin """ def __init__(self, context): self.context = context
[docs] @memoize def getRoles(self, principal_id): remote_admin = self.context.remote_admin if not remote_admin: return [] if principal_id != remote_admin: return [] return ["TeamManager"]
[docs] def getAllRoles(self): if not self.context.remote_admin: return [] return [(safe_nativestring(self.context.remote_admin), ["TeamManager"])]
[docs]@implementer(ILocalRoleProvider) @adapter(IContentish) class WorkspaceLocalRoleAdapter(DefaultLocalRoleAdapter): """ If the user has the local role of Owner on the context and the acquired role of SelfPublisher; they should also be given Reviewer. """ def __init__(self, context): self.context = context self.request = getRequest() @memoize_contextless def get_workspace_roles(self, workspace): return api.user.get_roles(obj=workspace)
[docs] @memoize def is_good_context(self): workspace = parent_workspace(self.context) if workspace is None or workspace == self.context: return False return True
[docs] @memoize def _getRoles(self, principal_id): """ Give an Owner who is also a 'selfpublisher', the reviewer role This works on every content inside a workspace but not on the workspace itself """ if not self.is_good_context(): return [] # Check inside __ac_local_roles__ current_roles = DefaultLocalRoleAdapter.getRoles(self, principal_id) # ignore if we are not Owner if "Owner" not in current_roles: return [] if "SelfPublisher" not in self.get_workspace_roles( parent_workspace(self.context) ): return [] return ["Reviewer"]
[docs] def getRoles(self, principal_id): if not self.request: return [] return self._getRoles(principal_id)
[docs]@implementer(ILocalRoleProvider) @adapter(IEvent) class EventReaderGroupLocalRoles(object): _granted_roles = ["Reader"] def __init__(self, context): self.context = context self.calendar = None rel = getattr(self.context, "shared_calendar", None) if rel: self.calendar = rel.to_object
[docs] def getRoles(self, principalid): """ Return special roles if principalid is the reader_group """ if principalid != self.reader_group: return [] return self._granted_roles
[docs] def getAllRoles(self): """ Grant special roles to the reader group """ reader_group = self.reader_group if not reader_group: return [] return [(reader_group, self._granted_roles)]
@property def reader_group(self): return getattr(self.calendar, "reader_group", None)
[docs]@implementer(ILocalRoleProvider) @adapter(IEvent) class EventMaintainerGroupLocalRoles(object): _granted_roles = ["Reader"] def __init__(self, context): self.context = context self.calendar = None rel = getattr(self.context, "shared_calendar", None) if rel: self.calendar = rel.to_object
[docs] def getRoles(self, principalid): """ Return special roles if principalid is the maintainer_group """ if principalid != self.maintainer_group: return [] return self._granted_roles
[docs] def getAllRoles(self): """ Grant special roles to the maintainer group """ maintainer_group = self.maintainer_group if not maintainer_group: return [] return [(maintainer_group, self._granted_roles)]
@property def maintainer_group(self): return getattr(self.calendar, "maintainer_group", None)
[docs]@implementer(ILocalRoleProvider) @adapter(IEvent) class EventCalendarOwnerLocalRoles(object): _granted_roles = ["Reader"] def __init__(self, context): self.context = context self.calendar = None rel = getattr(self.context, "shared_calendar", None) if rel: self.calendar = rel.to_object
[docs] def getRoles(self, principalid): """ Return special roles if principalid is the maintainer_group """ if principalid != self.owner: return [] return self._granted_roles
[docs] def getAllRoles(self): """ Grant special roles to the maintainer group """ owner = self.owner if not owner: return [] return [(owner, self._granted_roles)]
@property def owner(self): if self.calendar: owner = self.calendar.getOwner() if owner: return owner.getId()
[docs]@implementer(IMetroMap) @adapter(IFolderish) class MetroMap(object): def __init__(self, context): self.context = context @property def _metromap_workflow(self): """All Case Workspaces should have a placeful workflow. In order to render the metromap, this workflow needs to have a metromap_transitions variable which determines the order of the milestones (states) and the transitions between them. Return the workflow required to render the metromap. """ pw = api.portal.get_tool("portal_workflow") workflows = pw.getWorkflowsFor(self.context) for workflow in workflows: if workflow.variables.get("metromap_transitions", False): return workflow @property def _metromap_transitions(self): """A data structure is stored as a TAL expression on a workflow which determines the sequence of workflow states/milestones used to render the metromap. We need to evaluate the expression and returns the data structure. It consists of a list of dicts each with the workflow state, the transition to the next milestone in the metromap, and the transition required to return to the milestone: [{ 'state': 'new', 'next_transition': 'finalise', 'reopen_transition': 'reset' }, { 'state': 'complete', 'next_transition': 'archive', 'reopen_transition': 'finalise' }, { 'state': 'archived'} ] """ metromap_workflow = self._metromap_workflow if metromap_workflow is None: return [] wfstep = metromap_workflow.variables["metromap_transitions"] tal_expr = wfstep.default_expr expr_context = getExprContext(self.context) metromap_transitions = tal_expr(expr_context) return metromap_transitions @property def metromap_sequence(self): """Return the data structure required for displaying the metromap, derived from the configuration in the metromap_transitions variable of the associated workflow. An OrderedDict is used to provide details such as whether a milestone has already been finished, the transition required to close the current milestone, and the transition required to reopen the previous milestone. In the 'complete' workflow state / milestone it returns the following: OrderedDict([( 'new', { 'transition_title': u'Transfer To Department', 'title': u'New', 'finished': True, # This milestone has been finished 'is_current': False, # Not the current milestone 'reopen_transition': 'reset', # For [Reopen milestone] 'transition_id': 'transfer_to_department' }), ( 'complete', { 'transition_title': u'Submit', 'title': u'Content Complete', 'finished': False, # This milestone isn't finished yet 'is_current': True, # Current milestone: Show [Close milestone] 'reopen_transition': False, 'transition_id': 'submit' }), ( 'archived', { 'transition_title': '', 'title': u'Archived', 'is_current': False, 'finished': False, 'reopen_transition': False, 'transition_id': None }) ]) """ cwf = self._metromap_workflow wft = api.portal.get_tool("portal_workflow") metromap_list = self._metromap_transitions if not metromap_list: return {} try: can_manage = api.user.has_permission( "ploneintranet.workspace: Manage workspace", user=api.user.get_current(), obj=self.context, ) except api.exc.UserNotFoundError: raise api.exc.UserNotFoundError( "Unknown user. Do not use Zope rescue user." ) # If the case is frozen, render the MetroMap for the pre-frozen state freeze_view = getMultiAdapter( (self.context, self.context.REQUEST), name="freeze-view" ) if freeze_view.is_frozen(): unfreeze_view = getMultiAdapter( (self.context, self.context.REQUEST), name="unfreeze-view" ) current_state = unfreeze_view.pre_frozen_state else: current_state = wft.getInfoFor(self.context, "review_state") finished = True sequence = OrderedDict() tasks = api.content.get_view("view", self.context, self.context.REQUEST).tasks() for index, wfstep in enumerate(metromap_list): state = wfstep["state"] if state == current_state: is_current = True finished = False # keep this for the rest of the loop open_tasks = [x for x in tasks[state] if not x["checked"]] else: is_current = False open_tasks = [] # we don't care so performance optimize # last workflow step: consider done if no open tasks left if state == current_state and index > len(metromap_list) and not open_tasks: finished = True # get the id and title of the next transition, for display on the # metromap next_transition_id = metromap_list[index].get("next_transition") if next_transition_id: transition_title = _(cwf.transitions.get(next_transition_id).title) else: transition_title = "" # only current state can be closed, archived state cannot be closed if ( state == current_state and can_manage and not open_tasks and next_transition_id ): next_transition_enabled = True else: next_transition_enabled = False # reopen only the before-current step, only for admins reopen_transition = None try: next_state = metromap_list[index + 1]["state"] # if this step precedes the current state, it can be reopened if next_state == current_state and can_manage: reopen_transition = wfstep.get("reopen_transition", None) except IndexError: # last step, no next pass sequence[state] = { "title": _(cwf.states.get(state).title), "transition_enabled": next_transition_enabled, "transition_id": next_transition_id, "transition_title": transition_title, "reopen_transition": reopen_transition, "is_current": is_current, "finished": finished, } return sequence
[docs]class GroupingStorageValues(Implicit, Owned, persistent.Persistent): """ A datastructure to store the UIDs of objects appearing under a specific grouping. It conforms to the requirements imposed by OrderedBTreeFolderBase on its sub-objects (acquisition aware, ownable, persistent). """ def __init__(self, uids): self.archived = False self.uids = OOTreeSet() self.uids.update(uids) def __iter__(self): return self.uids.__iter__() def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.uids def __len__(self): return len(self.uids)
[docs] def add(self, item): self.uids.insert(item)
[docs] def discard(self, item): self.uids.remove(item)
[docs] def remove(self, item): self.uids.remove(item)
[docs] def pop(self): return self.uids.pop()
[docs]class GroupingStorage(object): """ Adapter that stores the sidebar's groupings for quick lookup. The groupings dict is arranged in the following way: OOBTree({ 'label': { 'Important': set([uid, uid, uid]), 'Frivolous': set([uid, uid]), } 'author: { 'max-mustermann': set([uid]), 'john-doe': set([uid, uid]), 'jane-doe': set([uid]), } 'type': { 'foo': set([uid]), 'bar': set([uid, uid, uid]), 'baz': set([uid]), } 'first_letter': { 'a': set([uid]), 'b': set([uid, uid, uid]), 'c': set([uid]), } }) The top-level keys are the groupings. For each grouping we store another dict. Each key in this dict is a unique value for that grouping. These values are retrieved from the objects stored in the workspace. For each key we have a list of uids. These are the uids of the objects that have that key as a field value (corresponding to the grouping). Remember: each grouping is a field on an object, so each value of that grouping is a value of that field on an object inside the workspace. We need to keep track of the uids, so that we know when to remove a grouping-value. When an object is modified, we don't know if anything was removed (for example from the 'Subject' field, which corresponds to 'label' grouping). So we have to check every time if that object's uid is in any grouping values that that object doesn't have anymore. In that way, we know to remove the uid from that grouping-value. If that grouping-value doesn't have any uids anymore, we can remove it. """ def __init__(self, context): self.context = context context = aq_inner(self.context) if not hasattr(context, "_groupings"): self.init_groupings()
[docs] def clear_groupings(self): self.init_groupings()
[docs] def init_groupings(self): context = aq_inner(self.context) context._groupings = OOBTree( { "label": OrderedBTreeFolderBase(), "author": OrderedBTreeFolderBase(), "type": OrderedBTreeFolderBase(), "first_letter": OrderedBTreeFolderBase(), } )
[docs] def _add_grouping_values(self, grouping, values, obj): """ Add $uid to the list of uids stored under the grouping values (provided by $values) in the groupings datastructure. If the list doesn't exist yet, add it. """ uid = IUUID(obj) groupings = self.get_groupings() if grouping not in groupings:"Adding grouping %s to object %r", grouping, obj) groupings[grouping] = OrderedBTreeFolderBase() for value in values: if value in groupings[grouping]: groupings[grouping][value].add(uid) else: groupings[grouping][value] = GroupingStorageValues([uid])
[docs] def _remove_grouping_values(self, grouping, values, obj): """ Remove $uid from the list of uids stored under the grouping values (provided by $values) in the groupings datastructure. If $uid is the only one in the list, then remove the list (and its key) entirely. """ uid = IUUID(obj) groupings = self.get_groupings() if grouping not in groupings: return for value in groupings[grouping].keys(): if value not in values and uid in groupings[grouping][value]: if len(groupings[grouping][value]) == 1: del groupings[grouping][value] else: groupings[grouping][value].remove(uid)
[docs] def _remove_grouping_value(self, grouping, value): """ Remove entry $value under a given $grouping. Can be used for bulk-changes to a grouping (e.g. changing a tag) """ groupings = self.get_groupings() if value in groupings[grouping]: del groupings[grouping][value]
[docs] def get_groupings(self): context = aq_inner(self.context) return context._groupings
[docs] def update_groupings(self, obj): """ Update the groupings dict with the values stored on obj. """ context = aq_inner(self.context) if parent_workspace(obj) == obj: # obj is the workspace, abort return catalog = api.portal.get_tool("portal_catalog") groupings = context._groupings # label self._remove_grouping_values("label", obj.Subject(), obj) self._add_grouping_values("label", obj.Subject(), obj) # mimetype wrapper = IndexableObjectWrapper(obj, catalog) if hasattr(wrapper, "mimetype"): mimetype = wrapper.mimetype self._remove_grouping_values("type", [mimetype], obj) self._add_grouping_values("type", [mimetype], obj) # author self._add_grouping_values("author", [obj.Creator()], obj) self._remove_grouping_values("author", [obj.Creator()], obj) # Title / first letter title_or_id = obj.Title() and obj.Title() or first_letter = title_or_id[0].lower() self._add_grouping_values("first_letter", [first_letter], obj) self._remove_grouping_values("first_letter", [first_letter], obj) context._groupings = groupings context._groupings_modified = context._p_changed = 1
[docs] def reset_order(self): """ Reset the order for all groupings to default, i.e. same order as the keys of the OOBTree """ groupings = self.get_groupings() for grouping in groupings.keys(): self.set_order_for( grouping, sorted([k for k in groupings[grouping].keys()]) )
[docs] def get_order_for(self, grouping, include_archived=False, alphabetical=False): """ Return the keys of the given grouping in order. """ groupings = self.get_groupings() grouping_obj = groupings.get(grouping) if not grouping_obj: return [] if alphabetical: order = sorted(grouping_obj.keys()) else: order = grouping_obj.getOrdering().idsInOrder() if include_archived: return [ dict( title=g, description="", id=g, archived=grouping_obj.get(g).archived ) for g in order ] return order return [ dict(title=g, description="", id=g, archived=False) for g in order if not grouping_obj.get(g).archived ]
[docs] def set_order_for(self, grouping, order): """ Set order for a given grouping""" grouping = self.get_groupings()[grouping] for uid in order: grouping.moveObjectToPosition(uid, order.index(uid), suppress_events=True)
[docs] def remove_from_groupings(self, obj): """ Remove obj's grouping relevant information to its workspace. """ self._remove_grouping_values("type", [], obj) self._remove_grouping_values("label", [], obj) self._remove_grouping_values("author", [], obj) self._remove_grouping_values("first_letter", [], obj) context = aq_inner(self.context) groupings = context._groupings context._groupings = groupings context._groupings_modified =
# context._p_changed = 1
[docs] def modified(self): """ Return the last time this grouping storage was modified. """ context = aq_inner(self.context) if hasattr(context, "_groupings_modified"): if type(context._groupings_modified) == datetime: return context._groupings_modified return datetime.min