Upgrade steps

A clean upgrade path is needed to keep Quaive installations sane, for this reason it is required that the checked in code provides the needed upgrade steps to keep the data in sync with the code.

To help out with the creation and installation of the upgrade steps, we adopt the package ftw.upgrade.

Developing upgrade steps in the usual way will still work.

Before you start

  1. be sure you have the bin/upgrade script in your buildout directory. If not check https://github.com/4teamwork/ftw.upgrade#installing-ftwupgrades-console-script.
  2. be sure you either have no experimental.publishtraverse egg in your instance or if you have use, set the EXPERIMENTAL_PUBLISH_TRAVERSE_ONLY_WARN, e.g.:
  1. Check that package ftw.upgrade is installed in your site.

Add an upgrade step

To add an upgrade step run the create subcommand:

$ ./bin/upgrade create --path src/ploneintranet/upgrade/v21 "Foo bar"
Created upgrade step at: /home/.../src/ploneintranet/upgrade/v21/20200608154912_foo_bar

Go to the created folder and edit upgrade.py to fit your needs.

Add in the folder all the generic setup files that you want to be run in the upgrade step. E.g. you can add a registry.xml file that contains the changes you want to apply to your site.

Check ./bin/upgrade create --help for further details.

List the available upgrade steps

To list the pending upgrade steps run the list subcommand.

If not upgrade is pending:

$ ./bin/upgrade list -s Plone -u
Proposed upgrades:
ID:  Title:

If an upgrade is pending you will see:

$ ./bin/upgrade list -s Plone -u
Proposed upgrades:
ID:                                         Title:
20200608154912@ploneintranet.suite:default  Foo bar.

Check ./bin/upgrade list --help for further details.

Install the upgrade steps

To install the pending upgrade steps run the install subcommand.

$ ./bin/upgrade install -s Plone -p
... some logging ...

Check ./bin/upgrade install --help for further details.