Configuration using portal_registry¶
Plone intranet can be controlled by modifying the portal_registry.
The following registry records have been configured through the ploneintranet packages.
title: Replace the portal URL with another string in asynchronous requests
type: plone.registry.field.Dict {plone.registry.field.TextLine: plone.registry.field.TextLine}
description: This is useful if you do not want to pass through the publication stack. If your site is published as you might want the request to be sent to$PORT/VirtualHostBase/https/$SITE_ID/VirtualHostRoot.
default: {}
title: List of content types that cannot be bookmarked
type: plone.registry.field.Tuple composed of plone.registry.field.TextLine
default: ploneintranet.workspace.superspace
title: Turn on the display of a first time splash page
description: If the user logs in for the first time, he will see a splash page overlay which can contain introductory information stored in splashpage_content.
type: plone.registry.field.Bool
default: False
title: Configure a unique identifier for the splash page
description: This UID is used to store the information in the user’s browser if the splashpage has been shown already. If you want to make the splashpage reappear for all users, change the UID.
type: plone.registry.field.TextLine
default: ‘’
title: Content of the splashpage
description: This is the complete html markup used to render the splashpage.
type: plone.registry.field.Text
default: ‘’
title: List of dashboard activity tiles
description: This is the list of the tiles the user will see on the “Activity centric view” dashboard.
type: plone.registry.field.Tuple composed of plone.registry.field.TextLine
- default: ./@@contacts_search.tile,
- ./@@bookmarks.tile?id_suffix=-dashboard ./@@news.tile, ./@@my_documents.tile
title: List of dashboard activity tiles
description: This is the list of the tiles the user will see on the “Task centric view” dashboard.
type: plone.registry.field.Tuple of plone.registry.field.TextLine
- default: ./@@contacts_search.tile,
- ./@@news.tile, ./@@my_documents.tile, ./@@workspaces.tile?workspace_type=ploneintranet.workspace.workspacefolder, ./@@workspaces.tile?, ./@@events.tile, ./@@tasks.tile,
title: List of dashboard custom tiles
description: This is the list of the tiles the user will see on the “My view (customizable)” dashboard.
type: plone.registry.field.Tuple of plone.registry.field.TextLine
- default: ‘./@@contacts_search.tile?title=Contacts’,
- ‘./@@news.tile?title=News’, ‘./@@my_documents.tile?title=My docs’,
title: Name of the default dashboard
description: This is the name of the dashboard type that should be shown by default. Pick the values from the dropdown on the dashboard.
type: plone.registry.field.TextLine
default: activity
title: Classes that should be applied to the portlets loaded on the dashboard
type: plone.registry.field.Dict {plone.registry.field.TextLine: plone.registry.field.TextLine}
default: {“activitystream.dashboard.tile”: “state-expanded”, …}
title: Ids that should be applied to the portlets loaded on the dashboard
type: plone.registry.field.Dict {plone.registry.field.TextLine: plone.registry.field.TextLine}
default: {“activitystream.dashboard.tile”: “portlet-activity-stream”, …}
title: Filter news in portlet by published state
description: When set to true (default), the news portlet will only search for items in workflow state published. You can turn that off to become more flexible in controlling the search by actual view permissions. This can come in handy when you use different published states.
type: plone.registry.field.Bool
default: True
title: Custom help bubbles
description: Specify custom help bubbles in a json format, e.g.: {“foo-bar”: {“title”: “Foo”, “description”: “<p>Bar baz</p>”}} (this may change in the future)
type: plone.registry.field.Text
default: None
title: Enable the help bubbles
description: Setting this value to “On” will show the help bubbles unless the user disables them. Setting this value to “Off” will not show the help bubbles unless the user enables them. Setting this value to “Disabled”: will deactivate the help bubbles feature.
type: plone.registry.field.Choice (plone.registry.field.TextLine)
default: Off
title: Types not listed on user profiles
description: These types will be omitted in the documents tab on userprofiles. In addition, all types in plone.types_not_searched will be omitted too.
type: plone.registry.field.Tuple (plone.registry.field.TextLine)
default: todo, library.folder, library.section, userprofiles
ploneintranet.layout.logo_type (Deprecated)¶
Deprecated: This entry has been removed. It is now replaced by the two explicit parameters quaive_title and quaive_organisation so that you can set both organisation name and intranet title.
title: Registry record for toggling between textual logo an image logo
description: This setting determines whether the “a” tag in the global navigation that contains the name of the site is rendered with class title (for textual “logos”) or class organisation for an image as logo. This setting is only useful in combination with the theme, which will contain the required CSS to display one if those cases.
type: plone.registry.field.Choice
default: title
title: Registry record for setting the name of the organisation
description: If set, the text appears first in the topmost bar and denotes the name of the organisation. If left empty, it is not displayed.
type: plone.registry.field.Text
default: ‘’
title: Registry record for setting the name of the intranet
description: If set, the text appears after a potential organisation text in the topmost bar and denotes the name of the intranet. If left empty, it is not displayed.
type: plone.registry.field.Text
default: ‘’
title: Re-order library folder after publishing widely
description: If True (default), a library folder will be re-ordered so that the item modified last is on top every time a “Publish widely” action happens.
type: plone.registry.field.Bool
default: True
title: Enable UI elements to trigger the download of the library content as PDF
type: plone.registry.field.Bool
default: False¶¶
title: List of news unpublished state
description: The news in the following states will be considered unpublished and a badge will be shown in the sidebar
type: plone.registry.field.Tuple of plone.registry.field.TextLine
default: (‘pending’, ‘private’)¶
title: Allow commenting of news items in the News Magazine
description: If turned ON, users will be able to comments news items in the News Magazine just like other content items in a workspace.
type: plone.registry.field.Bool
default: True¶
title: Limit the number of items synced from a feed
description: When creating a Syndication object in the news publisher, limit the fetched items to the latest N news. If the provided value is -1 (the default), all the feed items will be fetched.
type: plone.registry.field.Int
default: -1
title: List of bad pdf creators
description: The svg produced by pdftocairo is known to be broken in some cases for scanned documents. List here the pdf creators (as returned by poppler’s pdfinfo) that you know can produce bad PDFs.
type: plone.registry.field.Tuple of plone.registry.field.TextLine
title: Preview Content Types
description: Generate preview images directly from this list of content types
type: plone.registry.field.TextLine
default: File
title: HTML Preview Content Types
description: Generate preview images from PDF versions of this list of content types
type: plone.registry.field.TextLine
default: Document
title: Number of previews generated
description: Limit the number of previews generated by default. This protects the system against PDFs with 35.000 pages.
type: plone.registry.field.Int
default: 20
title: Options to control wkhtmltopdf usage
description: Set this value to “disabled” (without quotes) to never use wkhtmltopdf, even when available. See the wkhtmltopdf extended help (wkhtmltopdf -H) for the the available options. Default value: –margin-bottom 2cm –margin-left 2cm –margin-right 2cm –margin-top 3cm –disable-javascript –viewport-size 10000x10000
type: plone.registry.field.TextLine
default: –margin-bottom 2cm –margin-left 2cm –margin-right 2cm –margin-top 3cm –disable-javascript –viewport-size 10000x1000¶¶
title: Filter fields
description: Fields that will be used to filter query responses in searches
type: plone.registry.field.Tuple of plone.registry.field.TextLine
- default: tags,
- friendly_type_name, portal_type, path, is_division, division¶
title: Facet field
description: A field that will be used to facet query responses
type: plone.registry.field.Tuple of plone.registry.field.TextLine
- default: tags,
- friendly_type_name, is_division,¶
title: Phrase fields
description: Fields to which the main search phrase will be applied
type: plone.registry.field.Tuple of plone.registry.field.TextLine
- default: Title,
- Description, tags, SearchableText¶
title: Phrase query field and associated boost values
description: Solr Boost values used to compute relevency for queries.
type: plone.registry.field.Dict {plone.registry.field.TextLine: plone.registry.field.Int}
- default: Title: 5
- Description: 3 tags: 4 SearchableText: 1
note: minimum accepted integer is 1¶
title: Additional facets for filtering your results
- description: The search results page, by default,
- facets the search results using the friendly_type_name field. Here you can list additional fields you want to use for faceting. Each field should be specified as field (should match the values from and label (a value that can be translate in the ploneintranet 18n domain)
type: plone.registry.field.Dict {plone.registry.field.ASCII: plone.registry.field.TextLine}
default: {‘tags’: ‘Tags’}¶
title: Class name(s) to use for the additional facets
- description: This maps a class name to the id of a facet. The id needs to
- be the same that is used for
type: plone.registry.field.Dict {plone.registry.field.ASCII: plone.registry.field.TextLine}
default: {‘tags’: ‘tags’}¶
title: Translates the portal type title or the mimetype name extracted from the mimetype registry to a human friendly name
type: plone.registry.field.Dict {plone.registry.field.TextLine: plone.registry.field.TextLine}
default: {‘Octet Stream’: ‘File’, ‘Profile’, ‘Person’}
title: Property sheet mapping
- description: A mapping of a user property to a specific
- property sheet which should be used to obtain the data for this attribute.
type: plone.registry.field.Dict {plone.registry.field.ASCII: plone.registry.field.TextLine}
title: Primary External User Source
description: The ID of the PAS plugin that will be treated as the primary source of external users.
type: plone.registry.field.ASCIILine
title: Read only fields
- description: User profile fields that are read-only
- (shown on profile editing page but not editable)
type: plone.registry.field.Tuple composed of plone.registry.field.TextLine
default: username
title: Hidden fields
description: User profile fields that are hidden from the profile editing page
type: plone.registry.field.Tuple composed of plone.registry.field.TextLine
- default: London,
- Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, New York
title: Allow the subscribe bulk action
description: If set to True, the user can subscribe to the selected objects
type: plone.registry.field.Bool
default: True
title: Case Manager Workflow States
description: Only these States are shown for filtering
type: plone.registry.field.Tuple composed of plone.registry.field.TextLine
default: new, pending, published, rejected
title: External Editor always activated.
- description: When true, the isActivatedInMemberProperty()
- and isActivatedInSiteProperty() methods of the EnabledView always return True. Otherwise the normal behaviour as implemented in collective.externaleditor is used.
type: plone.registry.field.Bool
default: False
title: Workspace sort options
description: Controls in which way we are able to sort the workspaces
type: plone.registry.field.Dict {plone.registry.field.TextLine: plone.registry.field.TextLine}
- default: activity: Most active workspaces on top
- alphabet: Alphabetical newest: Newest workspaces on top
title: My workspace sorting.
description: At the moment we are able to handle the values “active”, “alphabet” and “newest”.
type: plone.registry.field.TextLine
default: alphabet
title: The video conference server we can use to make video conference calls
type: plone.registry.field.TextLine
default: empty string
title: Select workspace types
description: Only this types are searched when looking for workspaces
type: plone.registry.field.Tuple of plone.registry.field.TextLine
- default: ploneintranet.workspace.workspacefolder,
- note: this will probably removed in favour of filtering
- by interface
title: Maps workspace portal types to css classes
- description: If a portal_type is not here it will default to regular.
- The values should be passed as “{type}|{css class}”, e.g. “|type-case”
type: plone.registry.field.Tuple of plone.registry.field.TextLine
title: Sanitize HTML on saving.
description: If set to True, RichText content (HTML) in workspaces is sanitized before it gets stored. That means all open tags are properly closed, and inline styles and unwanted tags such as
get stripped. Multipe line breaks get reduced to a single line break.type: plone.registry.field.Bool
default: True
title: Autosave portal types
description: Enable autosave for the selected portal types (works for edit forms inside workspaces)
type: plone.registry.field.Tuple composed of plone.registry.field.TextLine
default: []
title: Autosave delay
description: Number of ms the client will wait before submitting a document
type: plone.registry.field.Int
default: 2000
title: Use Phase Due Dates.
description: If set to True, cases will expose the due date management functionality. You need to have the package installed.
type: plone.registry.field.Bool
default: False
title: Default Value for Phase Due Dates.
description: If set to True, workspaces will be created with due date support turned on by default. You need to have the package installed.
type: plone.registry.field.Bool
default: False
title: Make the newly added private workspaces not visible in the workspace overview of the non members
description: This means the workspace will have a security policy identical to the secret workspaces, anyway they will have different participation and join policies. By default this checkbox is unchecked.
type: plone.registry.field.Bool
default: True¶
title: ASCII id for the folder that incoming emails will be imported into
description: Emails and their attachments mailed into a workspace will be stored in a folder with this id. You may want to configure this to be equal to the
incoming folder for stream attachments. If this record is not set, imported emails will be stored toplevel in the workspace.type: plone.registry.field.ASCIILine
default: ‘’
title: Unicode title for the folder that emails will be imported into
description: The title shown for the email import folder. This title will only be set on creation of the folder: an existing folder’s title will be left unchanged. If not set, the folder id will be used.
type: plone.registry.field.TextLine
default: ‘’
title: List of the whitelisted types
description: Content types which will automatically create an activity stream update of their creation.
type: plone.registry.field.TextLine
default: Document, Event, File, Image, News Item¶
title: Enable automatic extraction of stream attachments
description: If enabled, when posting a stream update with an attachment in a workspace, that attachment will be converted to a File stored in the
folder of that workspace.type: plone.registry.field.Bool
default: False¶
title: ASCII id for the folder that stream attachments will be extracted into
description: Attachments to stream updates in a workspace will be stored here. Note that even if
this folder name will still be used if you run the admin@@extract-attachments
view.type: plone.registry.field.ASCIILine
default: INCOMING
title: Unicode title for the folder that stream attachments will be extracted into
description: The title shown for the stream attachments folder. This title will only be set on creation of the folder: an existing folder’s title will be left unchanged.
type: plone.registry.field.TextLine
default: INCOMING
title: Switch from relative to absolute date formatting after some days
- description: If a post is older than {value} days, show creation date as absolute date.
- If this record {value} is 0, always uses relative date formatting.
type: plone.registry.field.Int
default: 0 (i.e. always use relative dates by default)